Jack Bearheart

Hello, friends.

Things I've Made


An RFC 5322 email address parser. A recursive decent parser, written in javascript. Email is messy but we can try to follow the spec(s). I'm the author and maintainer. github, npm


A small, client-side weather app pulling data directly (via proxy) from the NOAA. An experiment in public data and open source. source

Album Masher

A client-side, no library app that takes random Spotify albums from your library and creates a combined playlist. Read the introduction in the source for more detail.


An empathy app that pulls random comments from YouTube. source


A random item generator for a roleplaying game. No libraries, single file.


You can read the source of the page you're on right now.


Email me at jack at bearhe dot art or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Check out my resume.